1. Wine is good for health[2017-06-16]
    Advantage:Lower Your CholesterolAlcohol also can have a very powerful effect and increase HDL "good"cholesterol by 20% if used moderately and in the context of a healthy diet along with regular physic...
  2. How to Store Wine[2017-06-16]
    1Keep it in the dark. Store all wines away from light, especially direct sunlight and fluorescent fixtures. UV rays can cause wine to be 'light struck,' giving them an unpleasant smell. Darker bottles are better pro...
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长期供应: 葡萄除梗破碎机、双螺旋压榨机、框栏式压榨机、葡萄粒选设备、振动筛选机、荔枝(龙眼)剥皮机、香蕉剥皮打浆机、荔枝去核打浆机、柑橘(脐橙)剥皮榨汁机、芒果加工设备、菠萝剥皮榨汁机、石榴剥皮机、硅藻土过滤机、板框式过滤机、果汁精致机、鼠笼式破碎机、果蔬汁加工设备、灌装设备
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